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Just For Fun

Make Your Own Comics

A Message From Bill Zimmerman
Dear Friend,

I envisioned as a place for you to come to and have fun by creating your own world of comic strips. My hope is that by giving you a choice of characters with different moods and the chance to write words and thoughts for them, you will tap into your creativity and explore new possibilities. After all, there is no greater force in life than the power of the imagination to free us from our immediate problems and to spur our energies to find solutions to our befuddlements.

MakeBeliefsComix is for people of all ages who like to play and explore. They include, for example, those wanting a few minutes of fun; youngsters and their parents; students and teachers; business executives trying to unwind from the stress of work, and activities directors and social workers who try to help people express their deepest thoughts and feelings. My intent is that you will regard this site as a safe place where you feel empowered to create and to test new ideas and ways to communicate through art and writing.

Book Jacket Creator


Why Use This Tool

The Book Cover Creator allows users to type and illustrate front and back covers, and full dust jackets. Children can use the tool to create new covers for books that they read as well as to create covers for books they write on their own or with family and friends.

Here's What To Do

A variety of templates allow users to create just a book's front cover, front and back cover, or a full dust jacket. There are text tools to add formatting to titles and book notes, the ability to add shading to background areas of the cover, or draw original images to illustrate covers and dust jackets. Since this is an online tool, there are also Book Cover Planning Sheets, printable PDFs that children can use to draft and revise their work before creating and printing their final book covers or dust jackets. The sample book cover shows a simple front and back cover.

More Ideas To Try

  • Learn about the parts and pieces of book covers and dust jackets using the Book Cover Guide, which doubles as an example to share with children.
  • Recreate the cover of a favorite book.
  • Design a new book cover or dust jacket after reading or listening to a book.
  • Make a dust jacket or book cover after writing an original story.
  • Use this tool to keep track of the number of books read during the summer or during the school year by making a book cover for each completed text.

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