
5 years ago

Our PTA is an association of parents and teachers working together to improve, enrich and augment the educational experience of all students at UBE.

Our General Meetings will be held Quarterly.  (Date and Time TBD)

Student Advocacy

The main goal of the PTA is to look out for the best interests of our children, the students of Upper Blue Elementary.  The PTA acts as an advocate for our student's needs, be they educational, safety-related, political, social, recreational or other.  At this time, the primary advocacy projects of the PTA are listed below.  Others may develop over the course of the year and will be discussed in the PTA and school newsletters.

* Continued support of character & team building programs such as the 4th grade High Trails camp and the 5th-grade class trip.

* Continued support for academic programs, including  Math, Writing and Science materials, and PYP.  Some funding benefits specific grades, while others impact the whole school.

* Classroom and teacher support including supplies, professional development, and appreciation.


School and Teacher support
Much of what the PTA does is work to raise the money necessary to provide a variety of broad-based student needs, school equipment and material shortfalls and supplementary teaching tools.  The PTA works closely with the UBE faculty to identify these needs.


Community Support / Enrichment
Several of our events serve not only to raise money but to create FUN, FAMILY activities that support the sense of community within our school.  Those events are:


Kid's Night Out/ Movie Nights

Restaurant Give Back Nights

Meet & Greets

Field Day Lunch Celebration

End of the Year Party

The PTA provides funding for the following activities and events.  

School Wide Guest Assemblies           Book Fair

DARE                                                        Field Day Lunch

High Trails                                               Night at the Musuem

5th Grade Graduation                           Ice Cream Social

Music Recorders                                     Teacher Grants

SHS Senior Scholarships                       Teacher Appreciation

Student Adaptive Ski Trip                     Instructional Supplies

Staff Development                                 Student School Supply Supplement

Teacher Classroom Supplies                Yearbook

Principal Grant  

Our PTA continues to champion the importance of parent/family involvement, safe and nurturing environments, and proper funding, curriculum, and leadership at UBE.

Contact us:  ubepta@gmail.com 

Join Our Facebook Group:  www.facebook.com/groups/UBE.PTA

Follow us on Twitter:  @ubepta 


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Board and Chairpersons

2019-2020 Board Members

President: Naomi McMahon Vice President: Wendy Frazier Secretary: Vacant Treasurer: Beth Fisk Social Media Communications: Naomi McMahon Teacher Liaison: Kerry Bergstrom Fund Run Chair: Jen Schappert Teacher Appreciation Chairs: Holly Busnardo & Jean Williams

** We are actively looking for members who would like to mentor or shadow these positions to provide a smooth transition from year to year. If you are interested in becoming more involved in any of these committees: Back to School, Yearbook, Membership, Grants, Bylaws, End of the Year Party, etc. Please let us know. We would love to answer your questions.